Do you know who visits your website? Buys your products? Tells their friends?
Knowing who your customers are is a critical aspect of any strategy, but especially for online businesses that need to know how to configure their ad campaigns and target the exact audience that the business needs.
However you can take this further. With a review of your past campaigns you can learn about what audiences were most likely to convert. For example, a sports magazine might see lots of visitors from their ad campaigns between the age of 19 - 24, but their conversion data shows that ages 25 - 31 convert at a much higher rate. Configuring the ad campaign to eliminate ages 19 - 24 would increase your ROI, and lead to more conversions over the life of the campaign.

When you know your audience, you will learn about what groups are most likely to take the specific actions you are looking for. If you have different products or services available, try to understand the different audiences that each will have. If you’re not sure of what steps to take to begin learning about your customers, the best way to get started is by reviewing your analytics and any purchase history that you have.
Google analytics and AdWords are a great combination for helping you learn from your web visit visitors, or any active campaigns you have running. For new websites, sometimes the most valuable strategy is to create a few small ad campaigns to generate a small amount of visitors to help you learn how visitors navigate your website. You can add heat map tracking to learn even more. When you are first starting out, this can help you identify areas of your website to improve on, and provide validation of the areas that are performing well. In addition to increasing your conversions, you can also work to achieve your other goals more effectively.
We also help with A/B testing the changes you make to website and can help drive traffic to your website providing you with Google Analytics data for you to explore. How many pages did people view? How long were they on the website? Advul can help send targeted visitors to your website, providing you with data to extrapolate information from.
Our campaigns swill allow you to send unique visitors to your website after making different changes to your website. Start learning about your customers - create a campaign and start sending visitors to your website for as low as $1!